
Grand Launch of ADO Initiatives

Alternative Development Model, an idea that was developed with India Japan Global Partnership has now finally expanded and moved to Nordic regions as its next alliance. With ADO as its parent organization, AFDO, GBO and GPS are the initiatives which have now been launched and wait to evolve further in different nations across the world. This vision and mission involving socio-political actors of all kinds, hopes to uplift the developing world under the leadership of many individuals and organizations. Vibhav Kant Upadhyay, founding chairman ADO and India Center Foundation, has sown the seed of a new destiny of empowerment which awaits humanity in this century.

Launch Highlights

Grand launch of ADO Intiatives

GBO Pre-launch at Malta AIBC

Date : Wednesday | November 6th, 2019 | 6:00 pm (CET)
Venue : Jupiter Room, Inter Continental Hotel St. Julian's, Malta

An exclusive Pre-Launch of Global Blockchain Organization was held at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Malta. It marked the soft launch of the Organization where Mr. Vibhav Kant Upadhyay, Founder and Chairman of GBO shared the vision and mission of the organization along with its future roadmap with the launch of preliminary website.
Mr. Ali Kassab, Secretary General of GBO along with other board members presented the Objectives of GBO, Governance Structure and Membership Model of GBO.
The core team of GBO along with the ADO board held the first board meeting along with its newly introduced advisors.
Global Blockchain Organization was also recognized with its first award as Blockchain Contributor of the year 2019 Award

The Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in Redesigning the World.

Date : Friday | 25 October 2019 | 11:00 am
Venue : Lagtingssalen (Lower Chamber), Stortinget

To mark the 150th Birth year celebration of Mahatma Gandhi, a seminar was conducted under the leadership of the Mr. Himanshu Gulati, Co-founder of Alternative Development Organization in the Norwegian Parliament House. Mr. Gulati shared his thoughts on Norway for Nations and Learning from Gandhian Thoughts.
The seminar was graced with the special presence of Hon. Sam Pitroda, a Development Thinker, Telecom Innovator, Entrepreneur and Former Advisor to the Ex-Prime Minister of India. Mr. Pitroda shared his reflections on why there is a need for Redesigning the World from Gandhian Philosophy.
Along with Mr. Pitroda, Mr. Anders H. Lier, Chairman of Nordic Impact and Catapult and Mr. Vibhav Kant Upadhyay, Chairman of Alternative Development Organization were also speaker at the event. Mr. Lier spoke about Social Entrepreneurship and Relevance of Gandhi's Ideology whereas Mr. Upadhyay shared vision of Alternative Development Model and how teachings of Mahatma Gandhi can play a pivotal role in Alternative Development of the World

ADO Participated Events

ADM Founding Organizations

ADM Initiatives